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A NonStop Event:Trailer Talk

Sabrina travels to Yellow Springs Ohio this Friday and Saturday, September 2 and 3rd  as a guest of the Nonstop Institute where she’ll share Trailer Talk’s Shale Project. Join her and invite friends to come t...

Please join us in celebrating the Catskills!

TRAILER TALK’s Frack Talk Shale Project   Debra Winger Ramsay Adams of Catskill Mountainkeeper and The Volunteers of Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy cordially invite you to a Springtime Afternoon Celebration...

Trailer Talk: Natural Gas Drilling Arrives 12-8-09

Length: 5:45 What would you do and how would you feel if strangers arrived valuing what is under your feet more than your life, your neighborhood and your community? Or would this seem like the American dream realized, a...
EPA Marquee in Binghamton, NY

Trailer Talk: Climate Change 9-4-09

Length: 5:42 Climate change, erratic weather patterns, catastrophic global temperatures, the future of the planet earth, of humanity, of the planet being hospitable for life, global warming… are all things that Sabrina t...