Trailer Talk: FRACK! The Movie & Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy

April 2, 2011
Length: 29:00

The people gather and civilians become heroes as they practice democracy and unite to protect their neighborhood in the face of un-regulated gas drilling and fracking. Frack, once an unfamiliar word is now a word I use multiple times a day, has entered the lexicon of the language associated with natural gas drilling and the education continues about this technique of gas extraction as it is central to the debate about the safety, the viability and the impacts of natural gas. I am joined by filmmaker David Morris to talk about his work in progress, the documentary film FRACK! the Movie and volunteers from Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy, Jill Wiener and Bruce Ferguson at a Potluck Fundraiser for the film at the Mountain View Manor in Glen Spey, New York in the Sullivan County Catskills. The event was presented by: Homestead School, Heirloom Acres, Mountain View Manor, and the Lumberland Concerned  Citizens (LCC).

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